Home Editorials Editorial: Why Are There No Lower Age Limits for Puberty Blockers, Hormones, and Gender-Transition Surgeries?—Dr. Miriam Grossman | PART 2

Editorial: Why Are There No Lower Age Limits for Puberty Blockers, Hormones, and Gender-Transition Surgeries?—Dr. Miriam Grossman | PART 2

by USA Citizens Network
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Why Are There No Lower Age Limits for Puberty Blockers, Hormones, and Gender-Transition Surgeries? —Dr. Miriam Grossman | PART 2.

In part 2, Dr Grossman traces the origins of this gender ideology.

Why are we putting girls into menopause?

She asks the fundamental question: “We really have to ask questions here. We are sterilizing these individuals. We are giving them medical treatments that cause a long list of medical problems—cardiovascular problems, blood clots, heart attacks, cancers, kidney failure. We’re putting girls into menopause,” Why?

For 12 years Dr Grossman worked in college student health service. She discovered false information was widespread regarding the risk of pregnancy with condoms amongst other issues. Mood disorders were common as a result of sex with strangers where the one-night stand ended without the partner even knowing their name.

Abortion was viewed as having your wisdom teeth removed.

Dr Grossman wrote in her book that sexual health was no longer about protecting health but about a dangerous ideology that could lead to destruction of the family unit:

Why is there no lower age limit for these medical treatments?

For more than 20 years, sex-ed organizations and Planned Parenthood have created curricula for the first few years of a child’s education starting with kindergarten.

Dr Grossman argues that this movement is related to a world view that children are sexual from “cradle to grave” according to Kinsey. According to Kinsey, Judeo-Christian morality and sexual restraint is unhealthy.

He believes that people have a right to express their sexuality at every age. Hence, it’s acceptable to teach kindergarten students about masturbation and sexual orientation.

The Sexuality Information and Educational Council of the U.S., SIECUS, the most significant sex education organization in this country and the world, funded by our tax dollars, had an original mission statement according to Dr Grossman: “that parents need to become aware of the erotic potential of their children and infants.” And, according to her, many of the members were pedophiles.

Dr Grossman goes on to say that children only become aware of their sexuality when they go into puberty as a result of the body’s release of their sex hormones.


Sexuality Attitude Reassessment or Restructuring, SAR, is a seminar for anyone getting certification in any field related to human sexuality. Its goal is to desensitize these individuals to sexually explicit material.

Dr Grossman calls it “an intentional breaking down or eroding of natural sensitivity, modesty, and healthy inhibitions that almost all of us are born with, and that we don’t necessarily want that to happen.”

The practice of teaching five-year-olds the correct anatomical terms for their genitalia has been justified so that they can describe correctly their anatomy if they were molested. This is a form of SARs.

Dr Grossman said:” Aside from the inappropriateness or the moral question of whether kids should be exposed to this material, I just want people to be aware of the process of desensitization that’s going on, so that by the time they’re reaching high school, they have already seen and heard so much in this area. It’s not just facts that they’re giving. They’re molding the child to have a certain attitude. And that’s how you change the world. You change the attitude of the young kids. “

Diagnosis of gender dysphoria

Dr Grossman points out that the diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM), the psychiatric manual of diagnostic codes for psychiatric diagnoses that the insurance companies will pay for treatment are determined by a small number of people on a committee. There are no surveys taken to define the population of psychiatrist’s opinions about the committees’ decisions to create new diagnoses. Therefore, we have no way of knowing if the majority of practitioners support these diagnoses.

According to Dr Grossman, the data does not support this diagnosis that is used for insurance reimbursement for treatment: “… that at the world’s largest gender identity disorder clinic, part of the Tavistock Clinic in London, they reported that out of 15,000 kids that were seen between 2010 and 2020, the suicide rate was under 1 per cent. And that not only included the kids seen, but also the kids on the waiting list who they were unable to see, those kids that didn’t get treatment…A suicide rate of under 1 per cent is really extraordinarily low. We see higher suicide per cents in the gay, lesbian and bisexual populations, which have an elevated suicide risk. Kids who are diagnosed with borderline personality, or who have other diagnoses of depression and anxiety, or who are on the autism spectrum, all those groups of kids have higher rates of suicide. The thing is, Jan, those are the very specific kids who are more likely to have gender identity issue…It’s such an oversimplification to the point of falsehood to tell parents that because of your child’s gender identity issue, and that because you’re not accepting their new identity, they’re at risk for suicide. It is so much more complex than that. To top it all off, we don’t have evidence that those kids who are treated, who are affirmed and who are put on hormones and might get surgery later on, we have no long-term data that their suicide rates and their levels of mental health are any better after all that treatment.”

Dr Grossman goes on to explain the difference between suicide risk and suicidality. These are two very different diagnoses.
“Suicidality is having thoughts of maybe wanting your life to be over, wanting to hurt yourself, but not actually acting on it. And then, there’s the people who have thoughts of just harming themselves. They may cut themselves; they may burn themselves; they have self-injurious behavior.”

In addition, Dr. Grossman says that “this practitioner, this educator who is planting a seed in this child’s head” that their parents are are not safe to raise their children at home. That is a phrase that’s used repeatedly. “Is home safe for you”? Kids will say repeatedly, “I feel safe in school. I don’t feel safe at home because my parents are not supportive.” “Well, maybe the parent is just being careful”, just like they would be careful about any medical treatment or procedure that their child would have.
Educators “plant the seed” in the student’s mind to feel that their parents are not supportive of their interest in gender reassignment and, therefore, the student is not “safe at home”. Rather, the student will say that they feel safe in school.

Dr. Grossman’s assessment of this issue is that the parents are being careful regarding their children wanting medical and or surgical treatment for this gender issue just like they would be careful about their child having any medical process.

“Getting back to the suicide point, the data that we do have, the best study that we have, which is long term of individuals that went through treatment comes out of Sweden, a 30-year study. It shows that even after going through the gender reassignment and living as the opposite sex, the rates of mental health disorders and suffering, and the rates of suicide are alarmingly high.”

Why are the suicide rates alarmingly high many years after gender reassignment medical and surgical treatment?

Dr. Grossman states that the answer to this question is that the origins of their gender confusion were never diagnosed and treated.
For example, they may have been molested or experienced a” terrible loss”. Or they maybe on the autism spectrum. They may have suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD).

Instead, they were subjected to “medicalization”: some lost their breast, some lost their natural genitals.

The Adults that had gender reassignment and after 10-15 years have rejected that treatment have been silenced. Dr Grossman makes the point that any other area of medicine that did a procedure on a child or teenager would follow them annually to report their progress and any complications.

The guidelines come from a few places, but Dr. Grossman thinks that the most important one to mention here is an organization called WPATH, which stands for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. WPATH publishes the guidelines for gender reassignment procedures that pediatricians, internists, surgeons, the hospitals, and the clinics follow.

Parts of Europe have rejected these guidelines, but the USA and Canada follows them.

Dr. Grossman argues that these patients who had their gender reassigned with medication and or surgery have had their “perception of themselves” “affirmed” by the medical profession yet the medical profession in doing this has denied their biology. That is, they have denied “their chromosomes, their natural state, and how they were born.”

Dr. Grossman argues that “their biology is their true reality.”

Dr. Grossman classifies WPATH as an advocacy organization for transgender individuals. Their leadership contains activists “who are transgender themselves”.

The problem is that an advocacy organization should not be creating medical guidelines for reassignment procedures.

This explains why there’s no lower age limit for these medical treatments. Such a lack of an age limit runs contrary to traditional medical guidelines for many experimental procedures on children. The age limit of 16 is very low in the opinion of Dr Grossman given the permanent nature of these disfiguring and sterilizing treatments.

The current standards of WPATH indicate that the decision is to be made between the child and practitioner with or without the parent. And these guidelines say the practitioner should challenge the parent who is hesitant.

Dr. Grossman states that parents are losing their kids because of organizations like WPATH.

One in 5,000 individuals are born with ambiguous genitalia which is a disorder of sexual development, in which it’s not immediately clear whether the child is male or female.

Dr. Grossman states that “In 99.98 per cent of individuals, male or female is clear, and it’s determined at conception, not at birth. So, with that phrase, sex assigned at birth, the goal of that phrase is for us to begin thinking that male or female is arbitrary. Male or female is a doctor or nurse’s opinion, and it can be changed. It’s not inborn. When I see that phrase, sex assigned at birth, I know that there’s already a lot of ideology there”

Dr. Grossman goes on to say that WPATH is advising practitioners who want to start initiating social transition in children that they teach girls to “bind” their breasts and boys to “tuck” their genitals, so they are not apparent to others.

Dr. Grossman was disturbed to discover that a person diagnosed with schizophrenia, a psychotic disorder, was given gender affirming surgery.
Why so much of the medical establishment could be supporting this?

Dr. Grossman’s explanation for physicians not challenging these issues: “People have to understand that in medicine, there’s a chain of trust. You’re taught very early on in medical school, in residency, that you follow the guidelines from your professional organization. You can’t be sitting there all day and all-night doing research into getting to the bottom of things. There’s no time for that. Now, sadly, that chain of trust no longer exists.”

Most pediatricians, in Dr. Grossman’s opinion, still trust the “chain of information from the authorities.” They believe that science is settled. They are wrong.

On the other hand, many physicians “are outraged and distressed and just can’t believe it.” But they are not making public statements about it.

Dr. Grossman recommends that we listen to the de-transitioners. Their suffering is hard to describe and hard to listen to and the best way to discourage impressionable children and teenagers and, most importantly, parents who feel intimidated into “negotiating” with the transgender advocates is to listen to these de-transitioners.

Dr. Grossman goes on to say to her audience that they should ask the counselor or pediatrician who is encouraging you, as the parent of your child, that they are encouraging you to support your child to have gender reassignment: “are you aware that in Stockholm or London puberty blockers and other medications and surgeries are not available to your child because they have decided that there is insufficient data to support the use of these treatment in children and teenagers?”

Dr. Grossman says that “Infertility is one of the most common causes of depression in our country”. For a young woman, fertility or infertility and whether she can or should have a child are the biggest issues in their life.

Any child should be allowed to grow up to the age of consent and be allowed to make a decision if she wants to remain fertile and whether she wants to have a child.

There is no other field of medicine where such choices are taken away from children by allowing them to have medical treatments or procedures that prevent them from having basic biological choices that are their right to choose at a later time in their life.
Dr. Grossman states that “the goal of the gender affirming care movement is to erase the differences between male and female, to erase these fundamental truths, these biological truths that are eternal.”

We believe as stated in part 1 of Dr. Grossman’s interview that gender affirming care is a tool of the Marxists to separate the children from the parents and to depopulate the western countries.

We encourage parents to recruit de-transitioners adults and members of the gay community that do not support gender reassignment treatments to attend school board meetings to advocate on behalf of the immediate cessation of gender affirming care in children and teenagers.
We also recommend that parents follow Alvin Lui’s protocols,to reject transgender recruiters that are on school grounds and that attend school board meetings. Our next editorial will comment on this topic.

#lower Age Limits #Puberty Blockers #Hormones #Gender-Transition Surgeries #Dr. Miriam Grossman

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