Home Election Integrity Paper ballots are back for spring primary in Luzerne County

Paper ballots are back for spring primary in Luzerne County

Voters will be using paper ballots in hopes of avoiding another election day debacle.

by USA Citizens Network
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Paper ballots are back for spring primary in Luzerne County

Two weeks later, still counting ballots in Luzerne County

Board asks D.A. to investigate paper shortage in Luzerne County

Paper ballots are back for spring primary in Luzerne County
Voters will be using paper ballots in hopes of avoiding another election day debacle.

Author: Jack Culkin
Published: 9:45 PM EDT April 5, 2023
Updated: 9:45 PM EDT April 5, 2023
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WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — The primary election is a little more than a month away, and when voters in Luzerne County go to the polls on May 16, they will vote using paper ballots, all in hopes of avoiding another election day debacle.

“There a lot of items on the agenda that were addressing concerns that I anticipated members of the community might have, especially after November 2022 election. Everybody’s a little nervous about what happened, so there was a lot of explaining by the bureaus part on what’s going to happen and how this is going to go, how the process is going to work through, you know, that for the poll workers for the voters,” said Denise Williams, Board of Elections Chair.

For Theodore Fitzgerald of Nanticoke, election problems in Luzerne County are nothing new.

Last week he was one of several voters who addressed members of Congress on the paper shortage that delayed election results in the November general election.

“There were a lot of things that were addressed today about accountability. I was very impressed by the board where they actually started to hold on the bureau’s feet to the fire,” he said.

After Wednesday night’s meeting, Fitzgerald says he hopes the county will get it right this time.

“I’m very worried. I think everybody has, and we’re just gonna have to see watch and see what happens, and then hopefully after the elections, I hope you’re talking to me and saying, ‘Hey, I’m really happy about the election bureau and what they accomplished,'” he added.

The board did vote to approve the 2023 primary election ballot that will be sent to all polling locations here in Luzerne County.

The board’s next meeting will be on April 19.
#Paper ballots #Luzerne County

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