Home Constitutions Bill of Rights Advocacy: Federal & State Editorial The Arizona Bar Association, Pineal County Government’s election staff and the Republican Lawyer’s that prosecute the Kari Lake election integrity lawsuit, Part 1

Editorial The Arizona Bar Association, Pineal County Government’s election staff and the Republican Lawyer’s that prosecute the Kari Lake election integrity lawsuit, Part 1

"The CONELRAD Group found “malfeasance, incompetence, and possible criminal activity” in their review of the 2022 election in Pinal County...It is our opinion that the entire legal system in Arizona may be compromised...From the State Bar attacking the law license of Brian Blehm, to the entire judicial system of Arizona dismissing election integrity cases"

by USA Citizens Network
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Group Releases Analysis of Pinal County’s 2022 Election, Finds ‘Deliberate Malfeasance,’ Concludes Election Should Not Have Been Certified

“The CONELRAD Group found “malfeasance, incompetence, and possible criminal activity” in their review of the 2022 election in Pinal County. The team of mostly former intelligence and military officers located primarily in southern Arizona concluded in a new report sent to The Arizona Sun Times on Wednesday, “Evidence was clearly identified that should have led to an immediate halt to certifying the General Election…It is our opinion that the entire legal system in Arizona may be compromised. From the State Bar attacking the law license of Brian Blehm, to the entire judicial system of Arizona dismissing election integrity cases, this appears to be a coordinated effort to intimidate and block any BOS [board of supervisor] elected official attempting to verify our election system via hand counts, or any election integrity transparency at all,” he said. “All cases being blocked and shut down via ‘lawfare’ in the courts and by county attorneys … All avenues of redress are being shut down.”

This article goes on to say the following:

—-The team that published this report regarding the October 2022 Arizona elections, Jack Dona, “holds 43 intelligence and technical certifications and diplomas from civilian colleges, technical schools and military academies, and who served in military intelligence, retiring as a master sergeant/first sergeant”

—-The report, “Analysis on the Pinal County 2022 Primary and General Election 9-6-2023” (Appendix), “was based on 637 pages of evidence, consisting primarily of transcripts of meetings of the Pinal County supervisors, emails, reports, and articles.”

—-Two of the six findings were regarding a Pinal County Attorney who appointed a law firm to to analyze the 2022 primary elections results. But the firm also represented the Democratic governor Katie Hobbs who has fought attempts to uncover election fraud. the founder of the firm was a former Az Democratic party chair. The team wants to know why a firm with such conflicts was hired.

—-The team recommended that losing candidates subpoena communication records between the governor, the attorney and and the law firm.

—-Another finding: “the County Attorney’s Office now effectively controls all elections in Pinal County…using his interpretations of state and county laws, to ensure there is no verification of the internal workings of these machines by a full hand count.”

—-Another finding: the County Attorney should be investigated

—-Another finding: the report challenges the county attorneys statement that it takes days to hand count as an audit of the machine count.

—-Another finding: “a list of Election Day problems…the election must be hand-counted to fix this issue, and “source codes and super user or root passwords must be given to independent IT experts for analysis.”

—-Another finding: “testimony from an election worker…they were instructed to help tear up Republican ballots [not Democratic ballots] that had been double-voted or scanned twice through the tabulators…This is evidence of nefarious activity. These mistakes always affect GOP Candidates.”

—-Another finding: “many voters showed up to vote and were not listed as registered…. the team described as “possible criminal activity at the worst, and malfeasance or incompetence at the least if true. … This is NOT an anomaly and appears widespread.”

—-Another finding: “deputy director of operations for the Pinal County elections department, five days before the election was certified, acknowledged he knew about the problem….but not investigated. The certification appears to have been rammed thru. More evidence of possible criminal malfeasance.”

—-Another finding: “Boxes used to transfer ballots lacked seals or locks, and the tops were left open.”

—-Another finding: “one poll worker discovered discrepancies between the number of voters who had checked in and the number of ballots cast, they opened up some of the locked boxes containing ballots to investigate….one that contained 188 additional ballots.”

—-Another finding: “a woman show up with multiple ballots to drop off, which she said she had collected from a senior community. The observer said, “No one even questioned it no one raised an eye.”

—-Another finding: “Poll workers were asked to sign off on documents and procedures regarding the validity of the votes that they had not reviewed…“An audit board appears not to have reconciled errors before results were certified, a safeguard required by state law.” The team said this was “[m]ore evidence of possible criminal negligence or worse.”

—-Another finding: “…voting machines were not properly certified,…”

And the list of errors and or malfeasance continues in the article which the reader can finish by clicking on the link of this article at the top of this editorial OR HERE.


Given the evidence of election staff negligence or fraud in Pineal county during the October 2022 elections described in report by the “team of mostly former intelligence and military officers located primarily in southern Arizona”, why did the Kari lake submit a legal brief to the courts in which “To win her latest challenge to her 2022 election loss,…She had to prove that Maricopa County did absolutely no verification of early ballot affidavit signatures.” But, “The reason they had to prove it was because they alleged it,” Jim Barton, Arizona election lawyer and partner at Barton Mendez Soto, told the Arizona Mirror.”

The details of this case, as described in the article, ELECTION 2022 ELECTIONS Kari Lake’s high burden of proof is her own doing, will be analyzed in part 2 of this editorial.

The question remains, given the credentials of the military and intelligence veterans who wrote the report, what happened to the evidence of negligence and or fraud that they described in their report? What is the status of the lawsuits that contain this evidence?

Why is the Az bar charging election staff that want negligence and or fraud investigated and not any of the government’s staff identified by this report for being possibly a participant in carrying negligent or fraudulent voting activities?

Free speech is in critical condition in the USA and there are fewer and fewer attorneys willing to take cases to resuscitate it given the Bar associations in numerous states that have punished some of the most respected attorneys in this country.



Read the analysis:

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.usacitizensnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/CTT-Analysis-Pinal-County-AZ-2022-Primary-and-General-Election-SEP-6-2023.pdf” title=”CTT Analysis Pinal County AZ 2022 Primary and General Election SEP 6 2023″]

Read the public communications and transcripts:

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.usacitizensnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Pinal-County-2022-Election-Public-Communications.pdf” title=”Pinal County 2022 Election Public Communications”]

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