Home Editorials Editorial: What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

Editorial: What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

by USA Citizens Network
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Last week’s polls according to

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls.

indicate the following:

-President Biden’s daily job approval of 42%.

– Republicans have a five-point lead for Congressional seats
– Greater than 50% of voters believe there will be a Republican victory in the midterms followed by impeachment for President Joe Biden.
-close to 50% of voters believe inflation and the economy are the top two issues
– Most parents do not support mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for school children, but most Democrats are in favor of such a mandate.

Pennsylvania (Pa) Political Map – Democrat & Republican Areas in Pennsylvania

Pa has more republican voters versus the rest of the nation. But, Pa “leans more democratic.”

“In Pennsylvania, 30.68% of all adults have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Educated women are far less likely to vote for conservatives, and in Pennsylvania women make up 51.04% of the population.”

As the level of education increases from a bachelor’s degree and greater, so does the tendency to vote for liberal candidates.

One explanation for this association of higher education with a more liberal voting pattern

is that “The central concept in the ideology that rules education schools, with an iron fist, is that real pedagogy means the liberation of the oppressed.”…“Liberation means left-wingery because left-wingery means liberation.”
This explains a significant portion of Pa voters’ support for the very liberal candidate for governor, Josh Shapiro.

As an invited anonymous editorialist for UsaCitizensNetwork.com, I believe that the impact of college and graduate school education on citizens, in general, and Pa citizens in particular, by a large majority of teachers who define themselves as ideological supporters of Marxist political philosophy, explains why the Pa races are so close despite the unpopularity of the Biden regimen and Democratic policies that has led to high inflation, persistent unemployment, amongst many other unpopular policies.

There is ample evidence that countries run by Marxist leaders end up in more financial hardship than capitalist countries.

I urge Pa citizens to vote Republican in these midterms. I urge this segment of the Pa citizens who have been influenced by this college and graduate school Marxist pedagogy to vote Republican in the November 8 midterm elections.

#Election Day #Republicans #Congress.

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