Home Editorials Editorial Part 1: Naomi Wolf | Are the COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon? “Do COVID-19 Shots Cause VAIDS?” – Dr. Zelenko

Editorial Part 1: Naomi Wolf | Are the COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon? “Do COVID-19 Shots Cause VAIDS?” – Dr. Zelenko

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Part 1: Naomi Wolf | Are the COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon? “Do COVID-19 Shots Cause VAIDS?” – Dr. Zelenko

Editorial Part 1: Naomi Wolf | Are the COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon? “Do COVID-19 Shots Cause VAIDS?” – Dr. Zelenko

In part 1 of our editorial regarding Clay Clarke’s interview of Naomi Wolf (NW), they reviewed the work that the 3500 medical and scientific experts who analyzed the Pfizer documents released under court order regarding the adverse reactions (ADRs) to the Covid 19 vaccine (vaccine).

There are forty-plus reports that can be found on her website, the dailyclout.io, which NW summarized during this interview.

These experts have found that the vaccine is a bioweapon. The evidence for this in these 40 reports she stated are as follows.

The injection of the “vaccine” has caused 1200 deaths over a three-month period of administering these vaccines and four people died on the day injected.

Pfizer knew one month after rollout that the vaccine did not stop covid.

The third most common side effect of this “vaccine” is covid.

In May 2021, evidence indicated that the vaccine caused myocarditis in young adults and Pfizer hid this information and did not announce it until much later.

These vaccines were manufactured in a memorandum of understanding with members of the Chinese communist party (CCP) and they are being manufactured now in plants owned by the CCP in the USA and Europe.

These injections have an intentional “360-degree effort” to target human reproduction.

In addition to NW’s expert’s report which recorded a 78% frequency of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) associated with taking the vaccine, Dr. Kory identified 83% and Dr. McCullough 85%, respectively of these types of ADRs, respectively.

These harms found around the world are not randomly distributed. The overwhelming number of adverse drug reactions or complications associated with the vaccines are in the USA and second is western Europe in order of political importance. All the other 56 countries of the world in which the vaccine rolled out amounted to only 7000 serious adverse events.

So this is a bioweapon sterilizing and killing Americans and western Europeans.

Clay Clarke reported an opinion that the recently deceased Dr. Zelenko had expressed in an interview with him regarding his belief that there was evidence for a covid vaccine-related form of acquired immunodeficiency disease (VAIDS).

NW said that there was no evidence of VAIDS specifically in her reports. But Pfizer documents have evidence of damage to the leukocytes which are part of your body’s immunity and AIDS also is a disease that hijacks the immune response as well.

People don’t die from AIDS, she said, but from all those things that result from your immune system not working.

NW noted that Polyethylene glycol, which is an ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine, is a carcinogen.

The Moderna vaccine has SM102, which also is a carcinogen.

There is evidence for “raging” frequencies of cancers in the Pfizer documents.

The reproductive harms caused by the vaccine reported by her team of experts in these 40-plus reports cause NW to have nightmares because the lipid nanoparticles concentrate in the ovaries and testes of unborn babies and damage the reproductive capacity of these unborn babies into the next generation.

The way Pfizer designed the experiment that addressed this issue made it clear, according to NW, that Pfizer was aiming for this outcome.

We call on physicians and the appropriate government officials to address the nation regarding Naomi Wolf’s experts’ reports that she summarized in this very disturbing interview with Clay Clarke.

#Editorial #Naomi Wolf #Bioweapon #Adverse drug reactions #death #spontaneous abortions #Miscarriages #Pfizer #Moderna

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