Home Breach of Trust Naomi Wolf Bombshell: Has China Been Using COVID Vaccines To Decimate Western Democracies?!

Naomi Wolf Bombshell: Has China Been Using COVID Vaccines To Decimate Western Democracies?!

by USA Citizens Network
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Naomi Wolf Bombshell: Has China Been Using COVID Vaccines To Decimate Western Democracies?!
Sunfellow On COVID-19 Published July 27, 2022

Cumulatively, through 28 February 2021, there was a total of 42,086 case reports (25,379 medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 events. Most cases (34,762) were received from United States (13,739), United Kingdom (13,404), Italy (2,578), Germany (1,913), France (1,506), Portugal (866), and Spain (756); the remaining 7,324 were distributed among 56 other countries.

Maajid Nawaz:

“So 100 percent of the tech belongs to China according to an SEC filing, this company Fosun is controlled by a Chinese Community Party member, the vast majority of adverse vaccine reactions — more than the rest of the world combined — happened in Western Democracies, and that could be controlled for by adjusting the proportions in the jab itself. Now to say this is a national security issue is to say the following: If all these variables are in control of China . . . then the line of inquiry that national security people surely must follow is: Was that done on purpose? Were those adverse reactions concentrated in Western Democracies deliberately because 100 percent of the tech . . . is owed by China? Was there a specific biological attack on Western Democracies? That’s the question. I don’t know if there was but the data you are presenting is very, very worrying.”

Naomi Wolf:

“Maajid, thank you. You grasped it immediately. I don’t know why other people don’t understand how those puzzle pieces fit together. You understand from your knowledge base that it’s completely NOT unheard of or unreasonable to worry. There are many ways to make war on a society. Not all wars involve dropping bombs on people or landing armies on your shores. You could attack a population’s food supply. You could attack their culture. You could attack their environment. To me this seems to point in a national security breach so dramatically.

“Let me very quickly give you two more points of evidence:

“In the United States, our armed forces were mandated, our first responders were mandated, our pilots and nurses were mandated. And right now, I can’t get home because . . . there are so many disruptions in our air and travel due to pilot illness according to pilots who are objecting to these injections . . . What does it do to the world if the armies Britain, the armies of France, the armies of Germany, the armies of the United States, the armies of Canada are sick or dying or can’t reproduce themselves?!”

Complete Interview:

Maajid Nawaz Interviews Naomi Wolf: The Pfizer Data Dump & Rogue Governments

See Also:

Virologist Li-Meng Yan: COVID-19 Virus Is A Bioweapon Designed To Create Havoc For China’s Enemies


The Bodies Of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 And The War Against The Human (Book)
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Maajid Nawaz Interviews Naomi Wolf: The Pfizer Data Dump & Rogue Governments

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