Home Election Integrity Checkmate! New Hampshire Supreme Court Is Now Forced To Protect The Constitution

Checkmate! New Hampshire Supreme Court Is Now Forced To Protect The Constitution

In 1979, a crime was committed. This is how voting machines came to be in New Hampshire. They did three things that radically altered that allowed all this cheating to go on since then. Like I said, we've not had a legal election because they're not verifying the absentee voters. There's a certificate requirement from 1942 that was in effect until 1979

by USA Citizens Network
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Checkmate! New Hampshire Supreme Court Is Now Forced To Protect The Constitution

Pete Santilli



• DANIEL RICHARD, A constitutional scholar. He is a founding member of the New Hampshire Committee of Safety
• Marylyn Todd, Founder Of NH Voter Integrity Group

• https://www.givesendgo.com/Dan_Richard
• https://cosnh.com/
• https://nhvoterintegrity.org/

• Twitter/X: @MarylynTodd_NH
• Telegram: https://t.me/marylyntodd

NH Supreme Court Live Stream

Excerpts from the Transcript which is below:

Dan Richard pro se litigant NH 00:01:00:02 00:01:23:14 In 1979, a crime was committed. This is how voting machines came to be in New Hampshire. They did three things that radically altered that allowed all this cheating to go on since then. Like I said, we’ve not had a legal election because they’re not verifying the absentee voters. There’s a certificate requirement from 1942 that was in effect until 1979.
Dan Richard pro se litigant NH 00:01:23:14 00:01:45:00 So here’s what they get, because the legislature wrote the statutes as to how the absentee voter is to vote absentee when they’re out of town with the physically disabled. They modified the physical disability clause and gave us a religious liberty. The legislature decided that it was going to do the people of New Hampshire. By the way, we’re a Christian nation.

Dan Richard pro se litigant NH 00:01:45:00 00:02:16:20 We’re a Christian state. Right. What do you. There’s no religious holiday in November. What are you doing? No, They gave the people a statutory exemption to vote absentee, not a constitutional one, but a statutory one. Back to the original story. If it took an amendment to the Constitution of New Hampshire to create absentee voting in the first place and to modify it again in 1956 to include primaries, don’t you think it would have to be amended again to expand those powers?
Dan Richard pro se litigant NH 00:02:18:10 00:02:44:04 Of course. And that’s what they didn’t do. So but here’s what they did do. So now they don’t have to go through the regular legislative process because they’re going to alter an existing statute. So they modify the text and then this gives them a unique opportunity, either someone inside the legislature is well aware of, they’re going to omit the notary certificate to simply going to take it out.

Dan Richard pro se litigant NH 00:02:16:22 00:02:17:21 Right. Of course.

Maryland Todd 00:59:53:03 01:00:20:01 What I’m hoping by a mass of people showing up is that what I’m hoping is that they’ll realize that we’re awakened and we’re and we believe in Daniel. And we know that his lawsuit is you know, it goes by the Constitution and we know that they’re breaking the laws and that we will not be quiet. So that’s why I really feel like it’s so important for people to show up.

Maryland Todd 01:01:22:09 01:01:49:02 And although, you know, the judges do have conflicts of interest and all mostly Sununu appointed and Gordon MacDonald was the AG when the election transpired, when the Windom incident happened, when four Republicans were shorted 300 votes each and then he was promoted to the chief justice right before we went to audit, he wanted to hide this whole thing.

Maryland Todd 01:01:49:02 01:02:19:16 The the legislators had to force a bill through to promote an audit. So I just I’m praying that everybody shows up. Please support Daniel. Let’s get 600 people there. Concord, 600. I’ve been right. When will be there? I’ll be there. I’m flying in. I extended my stage for this case. Ashley is actually going to be there too. We’re going to be livestreaming and we’re going to be and we’re going to be promoting it up until the up until this court case outstanding.


[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.usacitizensnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Checkmate-New-Hamp-Supreme-Ct-Forced-To-Protect-Constitution.pdf” title=”Checkmate New Hamp Supreme Ct Forced To Protect Constitution”]

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