Home Covid EDITORIAL: COVID Vaccine update Mask and Vaccine Mandates September 2023

EDITORIAL: COVID Vaccine update Mask and Vaccine Mandates September 2023

The data cited in the peer reviewed papers and by expert opinion regarding historically high rates of morbid and fatal events associated with the COVID vaccines has been countered by fact checkers and CDC publications. In addition, in the past year, there has been the release of pharmaceutical company and government records, that revealed both parties suppressed the disclosure to the public, evidence of serious complications associated with the vaccine

by USA Citizens Network
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The editorial board of USACN suggests that the best way for people to decide if they want to take the new Covid vaccines is to present peer reviewed papers and expert opinion on important topics related to this new vaccine.

This is an important decision because the Federal government may impose mandates that all citizens must take them.

There is a very large number of peer reviewed papers and expert opinions regarding the Covid vaccine. We have presented a snapshot of that large body of literature that summarizes the controversies regarding the vaccine.

We leave it to you, the reader, to review the evidence and decide for yourselves, whether you feel that the vaccine is safe.

The data cited in the peer reviewed papers and by expert opinion regarding historically high rates of morbid and fatal events associated with the COVID vaccines has been countered by fact checkers and CDC publications.

In addition, in the past year, there has been the release of pharmaceutical company and government records, that revealed both parties suppressed the disclosure to the public, evidence of serious complications associated with the vaccine during FDA trials and increased infection rates and hospitalizations amongst fully vaccinated senior citizens compared to unvaccinated patients. This lack lack of disclosure has exposed citizens to unnecessary risks to their health and survival.’

The magnitude of these complications influences us to support Governor De Santis’ policy that bans mandates for the use of mask and covid vaccines.

Given the unresolved disagreements regarding the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines between independent scientists, physicians and the CDC, citizens must be allowed to decide if they will expose themselves to masks and this vaccine.

And, given the recent CDC admission that the vaccines and natural immunity maybe ineffective against the new variant, citizen choice must be allowed.

We will give a brief synopsis of the 12 categories of topics chosen to analyze the issue of citizens having the right to excercise choice as to whether they will use masks and take the new vaccine.


In regards to the first category in the appendix (1-Are the covid vaccines dangerous?), we agree with Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo that “many accomplished scientists” received “threats due to their unorthodox positions…However, many of these positions have proven to be correct…All medical professionals should be encouraged to engage in scientific discourse without fearing for their livelihoods or their careers.”

The dangers identified by independent scientist and the CDC’s rejection of that data should be adjudicated By a multidisciplinary body of independent and government scientists and physicians.

According to the recent appeals court ruling that the FDA ‘Exceeded Its Authority’ by Advising Public Against Use of Ivermectin to Treat COVID

Physicians should be allowed to recommend medical care to their patients without the government having undo interference with that process.


In regards to category 2–Covid Vaccine immunity versus natural immunity, Dr John Campbell, an emergency nurse who went viral on YouTube for his videos on the coronavirus analyzes a study that demonstrated “Naturally acquired immunity confers stronger protection against infection and symptomatic disease caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2”.

Another study indicated that “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” He indicated that “Sixteen studies have demonstrated the power of acquired immunity”
He concluded his analysis by saying that “The incorrect hypothesis that natural immunity is unreliable has resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, avoidable vaccine complications, and damaged the credibility of public health officials.”

Dr van des Bosch, a highly respected vaccinologist, said that ““One could only think of very few other strategies [other than the government’s mass vaccination program] to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.”


In regards to category 3-Masks and Mandates, one of the world’s leading research organizations, the Cochrane database of systematic reviews, studied the efficacy of mask use during covid and concluded “There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks…The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks.”


In regards to category 4-Myocarditis associated with COVID, Dr. Anish Koka, a cardiologist, who published a substack blog. He has written that “Myopericarditis is a now a well reported complication associated with Sars-Cov-2 (COVID-19) vaccinations… the Australian guidelines fail to list a prior history of mRNA vaccine myocarditis as a contraindication to future COVID19 vaccinations…the current US CDC guidelines is actually more sane than the Australian guidelines and generally advises prior mRNA vaccine myocarditis cases not receive subsequent doses of any COVID-19 vaccine.’

He goes on to say that the CDC has a confusing policy because “the CDC summary that recommends COVID-19 vaccination for everyone 6 months of age and older because “the benefits… outweigh the risk of myocarditis… If the real leaders of medicine can’t critically analyze the data to explicitly recommend against those with prior COVID vaccine myocarditis receiving future COVID vaccines, what else are they getting wrong?”


In regards to category 5-OB/GYN disease associated with Covid, Jim Thorp MD, a highly respected high-risk obstetrician-gynecologist and maternal-fetal medicine physician, and his wife, Attorney Maggie Thorp , wrote that “Obstetricians and gynecologists largely show no remorse over breaking the golden rule of pregnancy by pushing an untested experimental medicine on their pregnant patients. Unbelievably, many, if not most, doctors are still pushing the COVID-19 vaccines in the face of irrefutable harms – when they should be asking the difficult and unpopular questions, providing informed truthful consent, and upholding their Hippocratic oath.”


In regards to category 6-Covid Vaccine Deaths

The European parliament committee has acknowledged that the covid vaccines have caused death as a complication. Death certificates, systematic reviews, autopsy reports, an university professors analysis of death records have diagnosed the primary cause of death was due to the vaccine.


In regards to category 7-Is the vaccine associated with increased all cause deaths?

2022 Excess Deaths All Around the World Raise an Alarm

Reports from around the world have acknowledged an increase in all cause deaths associated with the vaccine. “As per the graph, from January 2020 to early July 2022, the top five countries with cumulative excess deaths are Russia, the United States, Brazil, Mexico ,and Egypt.”

“Both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are based on mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs)….Injection of these LNPs into the mice caused rapid and robust inflammatory responses. Maybe this can explain the underlying cause of post-vaccine carditis, which is the inflammation of the heart, including myocarditis and pericarditis.”


In regards to category 8-Is the Covid Vaccine associated with increased cancer rates and “turbo cancers?

London Professor of Oncology Angus Dalgleish has called for an urgent stop to Covid-19 boosters stating “As an Oncologist I am seeing people with stable cancer rapidly relapse after a C19 booster”, at St. Georges Hospital Medical School London.

“SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, they’re in the shots,” reported McCullough, MD.


In regards to category 9-Is Biden Mandate to get a new Covid vaccine justified?

The Rasmussen Reports poll of 1,000 people in December 2022 showed that 57 percent of Americans are somewhat or very concerned about major vaccine adverse effects.

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of adults say they’ve gotten a COVID-19 vaccination, and a majority (56%) of vaccinated adults report no side effects from the vaccine. Thirty-four percent (34%) say they had minor side effects and seven percent (7%) reported major side effects from the vaccine.

In regards to category 10-Covid Vaccine or remdesivir versus early therapeutics of Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine multi drug protocols

“Mandates go completely against medical ethics, bodily autonomy, first do no harm. We have safe and effective treatment using off-label medications, such as ivermectin, that obviate the need for a vaccine.”
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden is an ENT specialist who was suspended from Houston Methodist Hospital and reported to the Texas Medical Board after speaking out against vaccine mandates and prescribing ivermectin to patients.

“Dr. Peter McCullough, former vice chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, and the most prolifically published academic physician in his field of heart and kidneys in history, has testified several times lately that there is a shocking suppression of early treatment for COVID-19 in medical literature. …When he extrapolates the data he has personally acquired through treating his own very ill patients, and calculates what that would mean for the death rate worldwide if a similar treatment protocol was adopted globally, an astonishing 85 percent of COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented. The key is that treatment must begin early in order to avoid hospitalization.”

By Zachary Stieber 5/4/2020 Updated: 5/4/2020PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION Government Researchers Changed Endpoint During Remdesivir Trial


In regards to category 11-Is the Covid Vaccine safe?

“We have all of these lawsuits where we’ve made the NIH, the CDC, FDA, Health and Human Services, admit that they haven’t done any of the safety studies and trials that we’re told by experts have been robustly done … We have the evidence of it because we won it in court,” says Del Bigtree. He’s the founder of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and host of The Highwire.

The letter warned the agency that misrepresenting data on trusted websites such as the CDC and the COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network—jointly created by the CDC and Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)—would “damage the credibility of science,” endanger public trust by “misrepresenting the evidence,” and give the public “false expectations” masking would protect them from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

In regards to category 12-Can the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique diagnose Covid infection?

Dr.Senanayake estimates that the PCR test has approximately a 70% true positive rate. That means a 30% false positive rate. Could this sensitivity and specificity issue be related to a loss of flu cases in 2020-2021?


We agree with Del Bigtree , the TV Producer, who stated in an interview listed in the appendix that scientists he has interviewed state that vaccine research should compare complication rates associated with experimental vaccine research during government required trials with a placebo group injected with water in order to have a valid complication rate of the vaccine being studied.

The evidence for significantly increased frequency of myocarditis cases associated with the vaccine found by peer reviewed studies and expert opinion listed in the appendix but not by the CDC is another safety signal that raises the question why is the CDC’s data different from the data cited by these independent studies and experts?

The autopsy data presented in the appendix defining vaccine related myocarditis (VRM) is compelling.

The evidence in the appendix cites an increase in cancer rates and an increase in more aggressive cancer rates called turbo cancers and autoimmune flareups associated with the covid vaccine. This is another safety signal that requires further clarification.

There is evidence for an increase in all cause deaths that independent researchers and experts associated with the covid vaccine. The CDC recognizes this increase but does not mention an association with the covid vaccine.

Evidence for and against this phenomena of an increase in vaccine related all cause death is presented in the appendix. This is a complex topic. Having independent physicians who believe the data supports an increase in vaccine related all cause mortality should debate with those government physicians that do not agree with this analysis.

There is evidence for increased obstetrical and gynecologic complications associated with the covid vaccine that the CDC does not identify in its data.

There is data cited in the appendix that there are patients who have died as a complication of the covid vaccine.


There are many complications or adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with the covid vaccine that has been reported in lay and medical publications.
There is a wide range of professionals who have analyzed these complications from basic scientists, to physicians, engineers and mathematicians to name a few.

The USACN editorial board has picked out a snap shot of this large body of literature to formulate an opinion about increasing reports in the media that many countries, including the USA, are considering imposing mask and vaccine mandates if the early signs of new infections increase above a certain threshold that remains to be defined. some reports indicate hospitals reaching maximum capacity as one criteria.

The evidence for mask efficacy is mixed.

The snapshot of a very large body of lay and medical literature commenting or studying VRM is a complicated one.

Covid Vaccine related myocarditis (VRM), like all other complications or adverse drug reactions (ADRs) associated with the covid vaccine, has a large body of peer reviewed studies and expert opinions published in the lay and medical literature.

Therefore, the frequency of covid vaccine related myocarditis (VRM) in Australia is 6.5 to 24 fold higher in boys aged 12-17 years and men under 30, respectively, compared to the entire Australian population’s frequency of covid vaccine related myocarditis.

The Australian Department of health classifies the VRM as “very rare”, it is not so for the patients who get myocarditis because there is a subgroup that has decreased survival due to arrythmia induced sudden death and heart failure.

The CDC does not address this issue. There analysis is that Covid infection related myocarditis is greater frequency then VRM. They recommend the administrations of vaccines and boosters as needed to decrease covid infections and the associated myocarditis ADRs.

The section on vaccine reduction of infection rate, hospitalization and death indicates that although such protection may have been experienced in the early period of the COVID pandemic, the covid vaccine and booster shots have been less effective in decreasing these complications of the subsequent covid variants.

therefore, for this reason in addition to many other reasons, there should be no mandate to get the vaccine.

In addition, the much higher rate of VRM in young men which is as much as 24 times higher than that in the national population is alarming as is Australia’s plan to stop tracking VRM cases..

The CDC sates that the vaccines are not dangerous. Other scientists, physicians and professionals have assessed the VRM, the increase in cancer rates, the increase in all cause and vaccine related deaths, to name a few of the complications associated with the covid vaccine in studies described in this appendix, to be dangerous.

Recently published studies described in the appendix state that natural immunity is as good if not better than vaccine immunity.

The CDC has mandated and recommends mass vaccination whereas other experts say this is dangerous.



1–Are the covid vaccines dangerous?

In a recent publication by the CDC, CDC (2023). “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines, CDC, Updated Feb. 16, 2023 . They declare that the COVID vaccine is not dangerous. Any characterization of it being dangerous is a “myth”.

Kekatos, M. (2023) “DeSantis calls for permanent ban on COVID mask and vaccine mandates. Here’s what that means. DeSantis signed previous bans, but they were set to expire in July. ByMary Kekatos January 18, 2023, 5:23 PM

The CDC also describes other myths.

MYTH: The natural immunity I get from being sick with COVID-19 is better than the immunity I get from COVID-19 vaccination.

FACT: Getting a COVID-19 vaccination is a safer and more dependable way to build immunity to COVID-19 than getting sick with COVID-19.

“CDC admits vaccines, natural immunity may both be ineffective against new COVID variant Yet the federal government still urges taking COVID shots. Freiburger Fri Aug 25, 2023 – 5:18 pm EDT

“Hearing Wrap Up: Coronaviruses Confer Robust Natural Immunity, Government Officials Should Have Considered in Policy Decisions”

FDA, CDC Hid Data on Spike in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated: Documents

naomi wolf and her crew of attorenys, scientists, physicians and citizens uncovered suppression of documents by pharma

Emails by Fauci showed how he deceived the public regarding the oriin of covid

COVID-19 Vaccination Injury Stories From Around The World by David Sunfellow | Sep 1, 2023

Naomi Wolf Explains Pfizer’s Diabolical, CCP-Connected Lies & Conflicts Of Interest Sep 2022


2–Covid Vaccine immunity versus natural immunity

Campbell, J. (2023). “Natural immunity wins

Gazit, S., R. Shlezinger, G. Perez, R. Lotan, A. Peretz, A. Ben-Tov, E. Herzel, H. Alapi, D. Cohen, K. Muhsen, G. Chodick and T. Patalon (2022). “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Naturally Acquired Immunity versus Vaccine-induced Immunity, Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections: A Retrospective Cohort Study.” Clinical Infectious Diseases 75(1): e545-e551.

The study authors concluded: “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.”

Professor Marty Makary, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, editor-in-chief of Medpage Today said that “Natural immunity to covid is powerful. Policymakers seem afraid to say so. People making decisions about their health deserve honesty from their leaders.

“…many elected leaders and public health officials have held on far too long to the hypothesis that natural immunity offers unreliable protection against covid-19,…Sixteen studies have demonstrated the power of acquired immunity…That’s why it’s so frustrating that the Biden administration has repeatedly argued that immunity conferred by vaccines is preferable to immunity caused by natural infection,

MYTH: COVID-19 vaccines cause variants.
FACT: COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. Instead, COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent new variants from emerging.

Bosch, v. d. (2020). “Geert Bossche: Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination (Open Letter to WHO

In regards to CDC supported mass vaccination, Dr van de Bosch sys that “One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.”

Other professionals disagree

All of these issues should be assessed by a true multidisciplinary panel of independent scientists’ physicians and other professionals with government and network hospital employed scientists, physicians and other professionals.

This diversity of employment status is important to balance the bias that resulted from a unique development during Covid pandemic: the lack of independent professionals on the government committees who often were not part of the committee or when they were, they did not express views that were different from the government staffers’ views and when different views were expressed, they were not acted upon by the committee.

By July 31, 2021, the elderly were 80 percent fully vaccinated
Breakthrough infection rates were higher among those the vaccinated…started in January 2021… hospitalization was also fading
July 31, 2021, 63 percent of the COVID-19 hospitalizations were fully vaccinated seniors
the vaccine effectiveness (VE) against infection was 33 percent
against hospitalization 57 percent.
Seniors who recovered from a past COVID-19 infection were more likely to avoid hospitalization,
The CDC, FDA, and National Institutes of Health didn’t share the data with the public as they considered whether to clear and recommend COVID-19 vaccine boosters.

Both agencies…promoted COVID-19 vaccines …hyping them as…protective against severe disease even after their own data have suggested that isn’t the case.

Stieber, Z. (2023). “Dozens of Death Certificates List COVID-19 Vaccination as Cause of Death By Zachary Stieber 8/31/2023 Updated: 9/1/2023

By July 31, 2021, the elderly were 80 percent fully vaccinated
Breakthrough infection rates were higher among those the vaccinated…started in January 2021… hospitalization was also fading
July 31, 2021, 63 percent of the COVID-19 hospitalizations were fully vaccinated seniors
the vaccine effectiveness (VE) against infection was 33 percent
against hospitalization 57 percent.
Seniors who recovered from a past COVID-19 infection were more likely to avoid hospitalization,
The CDC, FDA, and National Institutes of Health didn’t share the data with the public as they considered whether to clear and recommend COVID-19 vaccine boosters.

Both agencies…promoted COVID-19 vaccines …hyping them as…protective against severe disease even after their own data have suggested that isn’t the case.


3-Masks and Mandates

Jefferson, T., L. Dooley, E. Ferroni, L. A. Al-Ansary, M. L. van Driel, G. A. Bawazeer, M. A. Jones, T. C. Hoffmann, J. Clark, E. M. Beller and et al. (2023). “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(1).

“There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks…The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks.”

Diamond, F. (2023). “Do masks really protect against COVID-19? Meta-analysis authors want to see more evidence By Frank Diamond Feb 9, 2023 10:30am

Yes, masks reduce the risk of spreading COVID, despite a review saying they don’t Published: February 6, 2023 2.04pm EST

If you are at high risk of getting very sick, wear a high-quality mask or respirator (e.g., N95) when indoors in public.

Fauci Couldn’t Name Any Studies Showing Masks Work Against COVID-19: Lawyers By Zachary Stieber 11/28/2022 Updated:11/30/2022


4-Myocarditis associated with COVID

Boehmer TK, Kompaniyets L, Lavery AM, et al. Association Between COVID-19 and Myocarditis Using Hospital-Based Administrative Data — United States, March 2020–January 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021;70:1228–1232. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7035e5external icon.

“Myocarditis is uncommon among patients with and without COVID-19; however, COVID-19 is a strong and significant risk factor for myocarditis, with risk varying by age group. The findings in this report underscore the importance of implementing evidence-based COVID-19 prevention strategies, including vaccination, to reduce the public health impact of COVID-19 and its associated complications.”

Spike Protein, Heart Inflammation Still Present One Year Post mRNA-Injection DailyClout FDr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly join Dr. Robert Chandler to discuss Report 79: mRNA COVID Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis at One Year Post-Injection: Spike Protein, Inflammation Still Present in Heart Tissue. August 2023

ANISH KOKA MD (CARDIOLOGY) AND JOSH STEVENSON, The latest CDC paper on vaccine myocarditis is NOT reassuring, SEP 24, 2022https://anishkokamd.substack.com/p/the-latest-cdc-paper-on-vaccine-myocarditis

ANISH KOKA MD (CARDIOLOGY), Cardiology update: Should mRNA vaccine myocarditis be a contraindication to future COVID-19 vaccinations ? JAN 1, 2023

Anish Koka is a cardiologist. Follow him on Twitter @anish_koka.

“Myopericarditis is a now a well reported complication associated with Sars-Cov-2 (COVID-19) vaccinations. This has been particularly common with the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines (BNT162b2 and mrna-1273), with a particular predilection for young males.

“…current US CDC guidelines…more sane than the Australian guidelines…advises prior mRNA vaccine myocarditis cases not receive subsequent doses…COVID-19 vaccine.

Schwab, C., L. M. Domke, L. Hartmann, A. Stenzinger, T. Longerich and P. Schirmacher (2023). “Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination.” Clinical Research in Cardiology 112(3): 431-440.

“During the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital we did not observe comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration. This was validated by histological re-evaluation of age- and sex-matched cohorts from three independent periods, which did not reveal a single case showing a comparable cardiac pathology”

de Boer, H. H., N. W. Crawford and S. Parsons (2023). “Commentary on: “Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination” by C. Schwab et al.” Clinical Research in Cardiology.

daBoer disagrees with Schwab’s findings. “A main part of the reasoning of the authors is based on the exclusion of other causes of death. However, their investigation of the cause of death, described in [2], is incomplete when compared to current standards (e.g., [3, 4]).”

Peter McCullough MD, Heart-Stopping Trend: Myocarditis Rates Are So High That Dr. McCullough Reports Seeing Two Cases PER DAY THE VIGILANT FOX JUN 17, 2023

“Before COVID-19, I saw two cases of myocarditis my entire career … Now I see two cases per day in the clinic. It’s that frequent,” he lamented.

TheEpochTimes (2023). “DOD ‘Fixes’ Myocarditis Data, But Now Has More Problems | Trailer | Frontline Health

“… after a military whistleblower report on myocarditis last year, the DoD claimed that data on the issue had been corrupted. An official report soon followed, but another whistleblower then pointed out that the DoD report was incomplete. U.S. senators are now asking questions.”

EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Who Disclosed Myocarditis Spike in Military After COVID Vaccine Rollout Goes Public

Campbell, J. (2023). Myocarditis, don’t bother to report Dr. John Campbell

Dr John Campbell is a British Professor of Nursing. He has a large following of over two million people that view his podcasts during which he analyzes peer reviewed papers and government statistics from around the world.

In one podcast, Myocarditis, don’t bother to report Dr. John Campbell . he summarized the following studies of covid vaccine related myocardial injury.


The report from DepartmentHealthAgedCare, A. (2023). “COVID-19 vaccine safety report – 29-06-2023, The Department of Health and Aged Care, Australia, is summarized in the chart (click to open):

Myocarditis is a known but very rare side effect of the mRNA vaccines. It is reported in around 1-2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer) and around 2 in every 100,000 [0.0002%] of those who receive Spikevax (Moderna).

It occurs in males and females but is more common after the second dose in boys aged 12-17 years (13 cases per 100,000 [0.013%] Comirnaty doses and 24 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses) and men under 30 (9 cases per 100,000 [0.009%] Comirnaty doses and 20 cases per 100,000 Spikevax doses).

The USACN editorial board performed more calculations on these published data as follows using the formula for fold change.

Campbell Myocarditis Podcast Aust V Uk
Campbell Myocarditis Podcast Aust V Uk

The chart compares the frequency of VRM in Australia to the UK.

In summary, the population level frequencies of myocarditis associated
with the Pfizer covid vaccine in Australia and the UK are similar: (0.001%).

The frequency of covid vaccine related myocarditis in Australia is 6.5 to 24
fold higher in boys aged 12-17 years and men under 30, respectively,
compared to the entire Australian population’s frequency of covid
vaccine related myocarditis.

But, these two countries have opposite policies regading this syndrome of
vaccine related myocarditis. Australia is planning on no longer tracking
this frequency because they view it as stable.
Whereas, the UK advises a conservative diagnostic workup if the patient
has symptoms after the vaccine.

Therefore, the frequency of covid vaccine related myocarditis in Australia is 6.5 to 24 fold higher in boys aged 12-17 years and men under 30, respectively, compared to the entire Australian population’s frequency of covid vaccine related myocarditis.

Myocarditis Frequencykorea
Myocarditis Frequencykorea
Myocarditis Rate Covid Fold
Myocarditis Rate Covid Fold


5-OB/GYN disease associated with Covid

Maggie Thorp JD and Jim Thorp MD, As Evidence of Harm Mounts, Silence Becomes Reprehensible! | Aug 12, 2023 | Feature 1, Health, Politics

Obstetricians and gynecologists largely show no remorse over breaking the golden rule of pregnancy by pushing an untested experimental medicine on their pregnant patients. Unbelievably, many, if not most, doctors are still pushing the COVID-19 vaccines in the face of irrefutable harms – when they should be asking the difficult and unpopular questions, providing informed truthful consent, and upholding their Hippocratic oath.

COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding) by David Sunfellow | Sep 5, 2023


6-Covid Vaccine Deaths

Stieber, Z. (2023). “Dozens of Death Certificates List COVID-19 Vaccination as Cause of Death By Zachary Stieber 8/31/2023 Updated: 9/1/2023

Dozens of people were killed by COVID-19 vaccines in the United States, death certificates show.

Hulscher, N., P. Alexander, R. Amerling, H. Gessling, R. Hodkinson, W. Makis, H. Risch, M. Trozzi and P. McCullough (2023). “A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF AUTOPSY FINDINGS IN DEATHS AFTER COVID-19 VACCINATION, July 6, 2023;

Papers are not peer-reviewed by Zenodo, and must be regarded as preliminary until peer-reviewed by multiple experts in the field..

Findings: The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.

Interpretation: The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine adverse events, their mechanisms, and related excess death, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.

A European Parliament committee has asked and answered the question, “How many deaths have been caused by ‘COVID vaccines’?

Black (2023). “Mortality Risk After COVID Vaccination & Comparative Risk for Pfizer vs. Moderna Vaccine, NUFeinbergMed,

Professor Black recommends vaccine and booster shots and using a complex algorithm, he calculates of loss of life in weeks not years from the vaccines.


7-Is the vaccine associated with increased all cause deaths?


2022 Excess Deaths All Around the World Raise an Alarm

“As per the graph, from January 2020 to early July 2022, the top five countries with cumulative excess deaths are Russia, the United States, Brazil, Mexico ,and Egypt.”

“June 9, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination”

“Both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are based on mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs)….Injection of these LNPs into the mice caused rapid and robust inflammatory responses. Maybe this can explain the underlying cause of post-vaccine carditis, which is the inflammation of the heart, including myocarditis and pericarditis.”

Excess mortality during the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) HomeCoronavirusExcess mortality by Charlie Giattino, Hannah Ritchie, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, Joe Hasell, Lucas Rodés-Guirao and Max Roser We update this page every other week with the latest available data on excess mortality. Last update: Sep 2023

Dowd, E. (2023). Ed Dowd “CAUSE UNKNOWN”: THE EPIDEMIC OF SUDDEN DEATHS March 29, 2023


Marcus, A. (2023). Evidence shows that COVID-19 vaccines don’t increase the risk of death, contrary to claim by financier Edward Dowd SOURCE: Edward Dowd, Audrey Marcus Podcast, 4 Jan. 2023


8-Is the Covid Vaccine associated with increased cancer rates and “turbo cancers?

Jekielek, J. (2023). “How Humans Were Used as ‘Lab Rats’ in the COVID Pandemic: Dr. Ryan Cole on Fragmented mRNA, Spike Protein Messages, and the Vaccine ‘Ego’ June-03-2023

“Here we are three years into this, with a virus that has evolved into something that for most people is a common cold, shots that are expired because the variants they cover are all extinct—I mean, it’s an absurdity that the shots are even on the market at all—and yet, we’re still seeing brilliant physicians and educators and scientists being attacked for simply calling out the truth.”

“There are two dangerous things in these vials—that’s a lipid nanoparticle, and a gene sequence that’s making your body make foreign proteins,” says Cole. “When a FOIA request was done of the European Medicines Agency, they found out that these vials were only about 50 percent pure mRNA, meaning they can potentially code for these other proteins for which we don’t even know what they’re going to do. And instead of saying, ‘Yeah, you need to purify your product and make it better,’ they said, ‘Okay, we’ll lower the standard to 50 percent.'”

We also discuss the curious emergence of… “turbo cancers,” and how they… relate to the COVID genetic vaccine.
“…these cancers…growth patterns and their behavior are completely out of character … So ‘turbo cancer’ is…everywhere,” says Cole.

“According to vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, Ph.D., continued mass COVID-19 vaccination is driving more infectious and potentially dangerous viral variants, increasing the risk of severe COVID-19. How the risk of other conditions among highly vaccinated populations, including aggressive, early-onset, “turbo” cancers and autoimmune flare-ups, will likely increase significantly compared with those who choose to avoid further COVID-19 vaccination.

BOMBSHELL: COVID-19(84) BOOSTER CAUSING CANCER RELAPSE AND “SUDDEN DEATH” Posted on January 7, 2023In Breaking, Featured, Top Stories, Video Reports

London Professor of Oncology Angus Dalgleish has called for an urgent stop to Covid-19 boosters stating “As an Oncologist I am seeing people with stable cancer rapidly relapse after a C19 booster”, at St. Georges Hospital Medical School London.

Cancer Virus Found in COVID Shots: “This Is Looking Very Bad,” Dr. Peter McCullough Says July 17, 2023 ·by Rada Mateescu

“SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, they’re in the shots,” reported McCullough, MD.
“What I’m telling you is the shots promote cancer through SV40, and they inhibit our ability to fight cancer by suppressing the tumor suppressor system. So now this is looking very bad. Every system is showing cancer rates are up. So, that’s inarguable. The big question is, how much of this is due to the vaccines?” he says.

Peter McCullough makes multiple false, misleading, and unsupported claims about COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy in viral podcast SOURCE: Peter McCullough, X22 Report, 22 Apr. 2023 Health Feedback

A long analysis saying Dr McCouugh’s statements regarding covid related canceer ates and otherstatements were wrong. The writer was anonynous the organization was a non profit. Dr McCoughlah has the largest number of peer reviewed papers on heart and kidney disorders.

The public deserves that a public debate be held between this fact checker who must identify themselves and Dr McCoulough.


9-Is Biden Mandate to get a new Covid vaccine justified?

Worcester, N. and J. Jekielek (2023). “Dr. Jay Bhattacharya: Biden Admin’s Push for Everyone to Get New COVID Vaccine Is ‘Irresponsible’ By Nathan Worcester and Jan Jekielek 8/25/2023 Updated: 8/25/2023 The Epoch Times

Naomi Wolf Breaks Down The Lies And Conflicts Of Interest Of Pfizer Sep 2022

There Are Ways to Reduce Risks and Damage of Vaccine Adverse Events, Doctors Share Suggestions Overlooked COVID Vaccine Adverse Events (Part 8) COVID VACCINES Marina Zhang May 23 202

“The Rasmussen Reports poll of 1,000 people in December 2022 showed that 57 percent of Americans are somewhat or very concerned about major vaccine adverse effects.”

Concerns About COVID-19 Vaccines Remain High Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of adults say they’ve gotten a COVID-19 vaccination, and a majority (56%) of vaccinated adults report no side effects from the vaccine. Thirty-four percent (34%) say they had minor side effects and seven percent (7%) reported major side effects from the vaccine.

10-Covid Vaccine or remdesivir versus early therapeutics of Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine multi drug protocols

Jekielek, J. (2023). “Suing the Mandators: Dr. Mary Bowden on Fighting for Medical Freedom in Texas | ATL:NOW

“Mandates go completely against medical ethics, bodily autonomy, first do no harm. We have safe and effective treatment using off-label medications, such as ivermectin, that obviate the need for a vaccine.”
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden is an ENT specialist who was suspended from Houston Methodist Hospital and reported to the Texas Medical Board after speaking out against vaccine mandates and prescribing ivermectin to patients.

ClarkCountyToday.com (2021). “Opinion: We should be questioning the global suppression of early treatment options for COVID-19 Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021in: Staff Opinions, Opinion, COVID-19 ClarkCountyToday.com

“Dr. Peter McCullough, former vice chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, and the most prolifically published academic physician in his field of heart and kidneys in history, has testified several times lately that there is a shocking suppression of early treatment for COVID-19 in medical literature. …When he extrapolates the data he has personally acquired through treating his own very ill patients, and calculates what that would mean for the death rate worldwide if a similar treatment protocol was adopted globally, an astonishing 85 percent of COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented. The key is that treatment must begin early in order to avoid hospitalization.”


Vaccine Safety Research Foundation: The Tragedy Of Remdesivir & COVID Hospital Protocols Sunfellow On COVID-19 sep 2022

Were researchers wrong to move the goalposts on remdesivir? In the end, it may not have mattered By Matthew Herper May 5, 2020

By Zachary Stieber 5/4/2020 Updated:

5/4/2020PUBLIC HEALTH INFORMATION Government Researchers Changed Endpoint During Remdesivir Trial
Researchers changed the primary endpoint for a clinical trial testing remdesivir against COVID-19, a shift that provoked concerns among some scientists.

The endpoint is the main result measured at the end of a study. The endpoint for the remdesivir trial was originally focused on counting how many patients died after two weeks. After the trial began, it was changed to “time to recovery,” or how quickly patients were discharged after receiving the experimental drug.

Under the new endpoint, the trial found remdesivir helped patients recover faster when compared to the control group.
AMERICA Clinical Trial Shows Remdesivir Quickened Recovery From COVID-19 By Zachary Stieber 4/29/2020 Updated: 4/29/2020

11-Is the Covid Vaccine safe?

Jekielek, J. (2023). “Del Bigtree: The Vaccine Placebos Lie, the COVID ‘Cash Cow,’ and Taking Regulatory Agencies to Court

“We have all of these lawsuits where we’ve made the NIH, the CDC, FDA, Health and Human Services, admit that they haven’t done any of the safety studies and trials that we’re told by experts have been robustly done … We have the evidence of it because we won it in court,” says Del Bigtree. He’s the founder of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) and host of The Highwire.

Beyond the COVID-19 vaccines, other vaccines on the childhood immunization schedule are also not held to the same safety standards as other drugs, and are not tested against true saline placebos, Mr. Bigtree says. How is this possible? And why are people who suffered adverse reactions post-vaccination not being acknowledged and studied so the causes can be identified?

“All that I want to do, or that Robert Kennedy wants to do, is make sure that our vaccines are going through the exact same saline placebo safety trials that most every other drug we take are,” Mr. Bigtree says.

The gold standard for testing safety for new vaccines is to compare the new vaccine group of study patients to a group that gets placebo water injection and then compare complications of the two groups.

Redshaw, M. (2023). “Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative FEATUREDCOVID NEWS Megan Redshaw, J.D. Aug 21 2023

The letter warned the agency that misrepresenting data on trusted websites such as the CDC and the COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network—jointly created by the CDC and Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)—would “damage the credibility of science,” endanger public trust by “misrepresenting the evidence,” and give the public “false expectations” masking would protect them from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

Jekielek, J. (2023). “‘The Spike Goes to Every Organ System’–Dr. Paul Marik on mRNA in the COVID-19 Vaccine Vs. Natural Infection; Cheap and Effective Treatments and Interventions May-23-2023

“When you get the jab, the amount of spike protein is exponentially higher than with natural infection. And that’s why we see all these complications from the vaccine,” explains Dr. Marik, critical care physician and FLCCC co-founder.

FLCC (2023). “FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance “The Spike” “Dr. Paul Marik, the founder and chief scientific officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, and the second-most-published critical care physician in the world, told Tablet that the only substance he’s aware of as toxic as the SARS-CoV-2 spike is cyanide. ‘Cyanide kills you quickly, spike kills you over a prolonged period of time. It’s truly astonishing the things it does.’ Marik thinks that spike is the primary driver of COVID’s virulence, which he saw firsthand while treating severely ill patients during the first wave of the pandemic. ”

Jekielek, J. (2023). Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine DNA Contamination, the Monkey Virus SV40 Promoter, and What’s Actually in the Vaccines August-29-2023

“There was a case where Dr. He in China did some genome edits on two children—on two babies. He made two CRISPR babies. That guy went to jail, all right? Suddenly, fast forward to today: we’re willing to take that risk on billions of people.”

Kevin McKernan worked at the Human Genome Project at MIT as manager of research and development. Today, he is the chief scientific officer and founder of Medicinal Genomics, and is researching DNA contamination in the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.

“There are limits on how much DNA can be in a vaccine precisely because of the concern over DNA integration,” says Mr. McKernan. “What we do know is in both shots, there is residual DNA, and this DNA is either right above the regulatory limit or tenfold higher.”

How do the different mRNA vaccine components impact the body? What’s really going on with the SV40 monkey virus promoter that’s in them? Why should we be concerned about lipid nanoparticles and DNA open reading frames? And how is synthetic mRNA fundamentally different from naturally-occurring mRNA?

“Australia has different guidelines on what constitutes gene therapy, and it looks like these vaccines may, in fact, fall under that category, given the fact that there’s DNA in them and they’re using LNPs. And we now know that some of the DNA in there has been used and documented as a gene therapy tool,” says Mr. McKernan.

Kurtis Bay Shares His Horrific Experience With COVID Hospital Protocols Sunfellow https://rumble.com/v1cmd17-kurtis-bay-shares-his-horrific-experience-with-covid-hospital-protocols.html


12-Can the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique diagnose Covid infection?

Mullis, K. (2023). “Kary Mullis 1944-2019

Kary received a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993, for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Reuters “Fact check: Inventor of method used to test for COVID-19 didn’t say it can’t be used in virus detection By Reuters Staff, Correction Nov. 13, 2020

The post begins with the words “COVID-19 TEST a FRAUD?”, then introduces the alleged quote from Mullis, who invented the PCR method in 1985 and was recognized for this achievement by being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993
Misleading. The quote regarding the limitations of PCR tests appears not to be directly from Mullis, but in any case is not evidence the test is fraudulent. PCR tests are being used widely in England to show that SARS-CoV-2 viral genetic material is present in the patient.

Engelbrecht, T. and K. Demeter (2020) “COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter Jun 27, 2020

“PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.”

“…the intended use of the PCR was, and still is, to apply it as a manufacturing technique, being able to replicate DNA sequences millions and billions of times, and not as a diagnostic tool to detect viruses.”

“PCR tests used to identify so-called COVID-19 patients presumably infected…not have a valid gold standard (meaning the most accurate method available) to compare them with.”
Sensitivity and specificity of PCR test versus “a valid gold standard to compare them with.”

Senanayake, S. (2020). “COVID-Tests 2020 Associate Professor Sanjaya Senanayake, Infectious Disease expert, ANU

“If we had a new test for picking up [the bacterium] golden staph in blood, we’ve already got blood cultures, that’s our gold standard we’ve been using for decades, and we could match this new test against that. But for COVID-19 we don’t have a gold standard test.”

Dr.Senanayake estimates that the PCR test has approximately a 70% true positive rate. That means a 30% false positive rate. Could this sensitivity and specificity issue be related to a loss of flu cases in 2020-2021?

Where Did The Flu Go
Where Did The Flu Go

Watson, J., P. F. Whiting and J. E. Brush (2020). “Interpreting a covid-19 test result.” BMJ 369: m1808.

Engelbrecht and Demeter state “Watson from Bristol University confirms this…she writes that there is a “lack of such a clear-cut ‘gold-standard’ for COVID-19 testing.”

“But instead of classifying the tests as unsuitable for SARS-CoV-2 detection and COVID-19 diagnosis, or … pointing out that only a virus, proven through isolation and purification, can be a solid gold standard, Watson claims …“pragmatically” COVID-19 diagnosis itself, remarkably including PCR testing itself, “may be the best available ‘gold standard’.” But this is not scientifically sound.”

“there are no distinctive specific symptoms for COVID-19, as even people such as Thomas Löscher, former head of the Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine at the University of Munich and member of the Federal Association of German Internists, conceded to us[2][in an email].

And if there are no distinctive specific symptoms for COVID-19, COVID-19 diagnosis — contrary to Watson’s statement — cannot be suitable for serving as a valid gold standard.”

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