Home Breach of Trust Communist Infiltration At The Highest Levels Of Our Government

Communist Infiltration At The Highest Levels Of Our Government

Trevor Loudon

by USA Citizens Network
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Communist Infiltration At The Highest Levels Of Our Government

By Frank Clips, 12 November, 2022

Senators negotiate treaties. Many senators are coopted by Iran and China and run policies through the senate that many Americans would never accept if they did not come from the government communist groups mobilize the unions, church groups, community groups, and then get your allies and secret comrades elected to congress where they may serve on homeland security committees, or armed services or even intelligence committee.

John Ossoff, Georgia Senator, first thing he when he got elected was to ask Biden to appoint Daniel Blackman to the head of the environmental protection agency to the whole of the southeast.

Daniel Blackman is a card carrying Marxist. A member of the Democratic Socialists of America. The same group Ocasio Cortez is a member. This agency can shut down business and create chaos. One of the most powerful and socialist agencies in the country.

The FBI, CIA, and other security agencies were almost neutered by the Church committee in the 1970s. Frank Church, Senator from Idaho, is described as a traitor. The FBI could not conduct surveillance on a group unless they had evidence of a crime.

#Communist Infiltration #Highest Levels Of Our Government #Frank Church BRANNON HOWSE

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