Home China Live with Jeff O’Donnell: Midterm Elections Not Over Yet and the Fraud is Awakening Everyone

Live with Jeff O’Donnell: Midterm Elections Not Over Yet and the Fraud is Awakening Everyone

Mike Lindell's IT team shows data that indicates Mastriano and Oz had more votes than their competitors

by USA Citizens Network
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Live with Jeff O’Donnell: Midterm Elections Not Over Yet and the Fraud is Awakening Everyone

By Conservative Daily Podcast, 09 November, 2022

#Jeff O’Donnell #Midterm Elec􀆟ons #Fraud Mike Lindell #Mastriano #Oz

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.usacitizensnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Live-with-Jeff-ODonnell-Midterm-Elections-Not-Over-Yet.11.9.22.pdf” title=”Live with Jeff O'Donnell Midterm Elections Not Over Yet.11.9.22″]

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