Home Breach of Trust Arizona Election Results Are Only 74% In

Arizona Election Results Are Only 74% In

Emerald Robinson describes voting irregularities across the USA

by USA Citizens Network
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Arizona Election Results Are Only 74% In

By The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, 10 November, 2022

0 to 8:10 Dr Kelli Ward, Arizona State Legislature, District 5
10:27 to 22:13 Gregory Stenstrom (Author), Leah Hoopes
problems in Luzerne county-dozens polling places ran out of paper in deeply red districts and in Delaware county questions about duplicate batches being scanned
The Parallel Election: A Blueprint for Deception Paperback – August 9, 2022
by Gregory Stenstrom (Author), Leah Hoopes
12:20 evidence voting machine vulnerabilities before the election; election lawyer lies; protocols that show tabulators work on the day of election were not carried out all over the country with voting machine malfunctions;
observers watched the process with affidavits that election officials did not follow state and federal law;
15:10 ballots not scanning properly in Delaware county; rescanned ballots;
refused to provide the authors with procedures;
Gregory Stenstrom points out that election officials violated protocol with a pre-canvassing intervention involving opening the ballot envelope without proper team observers and the lawyers on sight rejected his request that they petition a pause to stop this pre-canvassing after they called the candidates who did not want to stop the process to bring in the proper public team to observe the process.
Candidate Oz was made aware of this issue, and he was unwilling to protest and conceded the election without addressing these voting irregularities.
19:17 a need to do a manual hand count to match the ballots to the tabulation count from the machines;
law 25 pa section 3154–same vote as voters–not in 2020–20,000 extra votes than voters;
In Delaware county this is needed—101.2% was registration number impossible. Need candidate to file the suit.
Process and forensic audit.
The machine counts not correct
21:18 the problem is RNC lawyers–high fees but did nothing during the day of voting as happened in 2020.
22:13 end section with Gregory Stenstrom (Author), Leah Hoopes
22:14 to Democratic electioneering
24:37 Ballot box key left unattended in Philadelphia
25:30 election official illegally telling voters to vote Democrat
31:00-39:05– Fulton County poll worker remove for conservative social media posts
39:06-Jan 6 defendant rejected DOJ attempt to get him to plead guilty on charges that he considers false; he ran for office while incarcerated and had a good showing;
41:26-53:30 retired green beret Jeremy Brown lost his race to Michele Goolsby in Florida; he made an audio recording of FBI trying to recruit him to spy on Jan 6 protestors; he refused; they arrested him.
48:28 discuss mainstream media calling election deniers and 11/8/22 results vs 65+% unhappy with direction of country;
53:30 end Jeremy Brown
53″31-xx voting system is rigged;
55:42-59:29 voting irregularities so bad that even corporate media admit that there was evidence of the system being rigged;
57:45 machines go down in red districts of Maricopa county and keep working elsewhere;
machines go down in Suffolk county which is Lee Zeldin’s county; ran out of paper in Luzern county a deep red county in Pa; rigged election against Trump-aligned candidates;
58:14 vote rigging looks like: Edison research supplies real-time voting data to corporate media companies;
58:24 obvious vote rigging occurs when you chart vote dumping in real-time
58:26 chart of Georgia senate race between H Walker and Warnock and other races including Matt DePerno ETC all have vote dumping that resulted in Democrat winning due to vote rigging.

#Emerald Robinson #Dr Kelli Ward #Gregory Stenstrom #Leah Hoopes #voting irregularities

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