Home Breach of Trust Sarah Gonzales FROM Blaze TV & Ken Paxton, Attorney General, Texas, discuss local prosecutors allow LGBT parties that sexualize children

Sarah Gonzales FROM Blaze TV & Ken Paxton, Attorney General, Texas, discuss local prosecutors allow LGBT parties that sexualize children

War Room Pandemic with Stephen K Bannon Episode 2241 Part 2

by USA Citizens Network
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War Room Pandemic with Stephen K Bannon Episode 2241 Part 2
War Room Pandemic with Stephen K Bannon October 20th, 2022

Steve Bannon (SB) interviewed Sarah Gonzales (SG), who has her own The Sarah Gonzales website and the Sarah Gonzales Blaze TV show and Texas attorney General, Ken Paxton (KP), https://www.kenpaxton.com, regarding LGBT transgender men dressed as women having “parties” at restaurants in Plano Texas for children of all ages and adults.

The focus of the interview is that the local prosecutors or district attorneys (DAs) are not arresting the transgender men and the parents who bring their children to these shows that sexualize the children which, according to KP, is a form of child abuse.

SG and KP discuss what can be done to combat this George Soros supported Marxist movement as well as Republican DAs who do not prosecute this crime for reasons that were not clarified in this interview.

The purpose of these parties is a typical Marxist tactic to separate the children from their family and religious upbringing.

#Ken Paxton #Attorney General, Texas, #LGBT #sexualizing children #Texas prosecutors #Soros

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