Home Breach of Trust Trump Slams McConnell For Opposing His Endorsements

Trump Slams McConnell For Opposing His Endorsements

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Trump Slams McConnell For Opposing His Endorsements

by Liza Carlisle
August 24, 2022

OPINION: This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

The Republican Party is and has been experiencing a division between true conservatives and the more liberal-leaning “RINOS.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had been labeled a RINO.

McConnell is a longtime leader in the Republican Party and in Washington, D.C. serving in the Senate since 1985.

Even though a member of the Republican Party, McConnell has always been very moderate in his values, embracing some Democrat agenda.

When reporter Alec MacGillis started looking at McConnell’s history, he told NPR’s Terry Gross, “I was just really startled by this when I started looking into it. I knew that he has started out as somewhat more moderate – but I didn’t realize just how moderate he really was.”

And McConnell has done an about-face on key issues, namely gun rights, abortion, and election integrity concerning the 2020 presidential election.

McConnell has been striving so hard to please both political sides that his conservative values have become hidden.

And he has shown his fear that real conservatives, like the 45th President, are who the majority of Republican Americans want in leadership.

In July, NBC News reported:

“McConnell has a problem: He’s outnumbered in his own party as those cultural issues [guns, abortion, elections] remain a major driving force for Republicans, who remain predominantly pro-Trump.

And the bipartisan agreements he has endorsed – from the gun law to an infrastructure package to an emerging deal to prevent future election coups – are unlikely to play well in GOP primaries or with conservative voters.

John Fredericks, chair of Trump’s 2016 and 2020 campaigns in Virginia, as well as the host on the right wing Real America’s voice platform, called McConnell a ‘RINO uni-party loser’ for his spate of bipartisan deals, which he said were the result of ‘fears’ over Trump’s return to power.”

For instance, while 15 Senate Republicans voted for the gun control bill, 33 Republicans voted against it.

The 45th President is not shy about calling out fellow Republicans who are straying from conservative values and Sen. McConnell is frequently under fire from conservatives for his RINO outlook.

Trump has been addressing the RINO mentality in the Republican Party for some time and calling out those who fit that shoe.

He recently posted over the defeat in Wyoming of Liz Cheney, whose participation in the Jan 6 persecution of the former president earned her dislike in her own state from her home Republicans.


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“Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN in Wyoming. this is a wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs. Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others,” Trump posted.

Unsurprisingly, former President Donald Trump and McConnell have been head to head constantly over a variety of issues.

On August 7, when the Senate vote for the Infrastructure Bill came up, Trump had something to say about how McConnell handled the bill in Congress.

The vote was excruciatingly narrow, 51 -50 with current Vice=President Harris breaking the tie.

Trump obviously thought that with more effort on the part of Republican leadership, the Bill could have been defeated and join its twin, the unsuccessful Build Back Better plan, posting,” Mitch McConnell got played like a fiddle with the vote today by Senate Democrats.”

Remarks and responses are in the air again this week.

McConnell at a Kentucky Chamber of Commerce meeting on Wednesday, where he challenged the idea that Republicans would easily sweep the November elections, NBC News reported.

“I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different — they’re statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell said.

“Right now, we have a 50-50 Senate and a 50-50 country, but I think when all is said and done this fall, we’re likely to have an extremely close Senate, either our side up slightly or their side up slightly,” he added.

Later at the luncheon event, McConnell specifically cited skepticism of the candidate slate running for Senate this year as a primary reason for his predicted Republican troubles in the upcoming elections.

Former President Trump was not about to let those remarks go unanswered.

Last weekend, Trump addressed McConnell on the matter of the Kentucky Republican’s opposition to his preferred midterm candidates across the country, Newsmax reports.

He posted on social media,” Why do Republican Senators allow a broken down hack politician, Mitch McConnell, to openly disparage hard working Republicans candidates for the United States Senate? This is such an affront to honor and leadership. He should spend more time (and money) helping them get elected!”

Trump also publicly called out Senate Republicans on Truth Social, who allowed “broken down hack politician” McConnell to disparage his “hard-working” endorsements.

Trump also eluded to McConnell’s true focus.

He should spend more time (and money!) helping them get elected, and less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China!” the former president wrote.


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