Home Breach of Trust Over 75% of Pennsylvania Voters Are Demanding Election Reform. 

Over 75% of Pennsylvania Voters Are Demanding Election Reform. 

by USA Citizens Network
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This is an initiative of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party and tens of other grassroots organizations.

The 912 Project o f the Lehigh Valley, Inc.

June 20, 2022

Dear Legislators,

Please find attached “A Necessary Call to Action” for “Fair Elections for Racial Equity” in
Pennsylvania that is being distributed to the voters of Pennsylvania. It should be selfexplanatory
As you aware, the May 17th Primary has still not been certified after 4 weeks because of noexcuse
mail-in ballots? And lawsuits are still being filed!!! We now have Judges negotiating
with lawyers and County Election Boards in making new election laws for settlement, a
responsibility of the legislature. This fact is making PA the butt of numerous jokes and is now
likened to a Banana Republic with respect to holding free and fair elections. This is of greater
concerns because the fall elections will be fast upon us and from what we have been told, no
election integrity legislation is being moved towards consideration or is even being considered
for movement.
This is not a Republican or Democrat issue; this is a civil rights issue for all citizens. The citizens
of Pennsylvania (regardless of race, color, religion or belief, national, social or ethnic origin, sex,
physical, mental or sensory disability) demand that elections be conducted fairly and equitably,
and the results reported without delay.
The voters are demanding Fair Elections for Racial Equity!!!
Our forefathers sacrificed their lives to keep this county a Republic, it is about time our
Pennsylvania legislators honor their sacrifices and do their duty to give real meaning to the
Republican form of Government Clause in our Commonwealth’s Constitution.

Tom Carroll

Attachment: “Fair Elections for Racial Equity” in Pennsylvania

CC: as follows

Senator Jake Corman
Room: 350 Main Capitol Building
Senate Box 203034
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3034
(717) 787-1377

Senator Kim Ward
Room: 292 Main Capitol Building
Senate Box 203039
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3039
(717) 787-6063

Senator Patrick Browne
Room: 281 Main Capitol Building
Senate Box 203016
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3016
(717) 787-1349

Hon. Kerry A. Benninghoff
Room: 110 Main Capitol Building
P.O. Box 202171
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2171
(717) 783-1918

Hon. Bryan Cutler
Room: 139 Main Capitol Building
P.O. Box 202100
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2100
(717) 783-6424

Hon. Stan Saylor
Room: 245 Main Capitol Building
P.O. Box 202094
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2094
(717) 783-6426

John K. Fetterman, Senate President
Room: 200 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Senator Jay Costa
Room: 535 Main Capitol Building
Senate Box 203043
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3043
(717) 787-7683

Senator Vincent Hughes
Room: 545 Main Capitol Building
Senate Box 203007
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3007
(717) 787-7112

Hon. Joanna E. McClinton
Room: 423 Main Capitol Building
P.O. Box 202191
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2191
(717) 772-9850

Hon. Jordan A. Harris
Room: 428 Main Capitol Building
P.O. Box 202186
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2186
(717) 783-1792

Hon. Matthew D. Bradford
Room: 512E Main Capitol Building
P.O. Box 202070
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2070
(717) 783-1540


Numerous and independent polls have established that over 75% of Pennsylvania voters are demanding election reform.  Simply put, our elected officials had promised us a thorough review of election integrity which has not been conducted in any meaningful way to date.


Their reasoning is simply offensive to the voters, our Constitution and their duty by saying that “The Governor will not sign any election integrity legislation,” so they do NOTHING.  This is not a Republican or Democrat issue; this is a civil rights issue for all citizens.


Our election integrity concerns remain unaddressed, therefore the policies and programs that have enabled past fraud remain in place.  Since our politicians in Harrisburg are doing NOTHING, we need to put pressure on then to use the Annual Budget process to bring these issues to the forefront and force the Governor to negotiate with the General Assembly, compromise and enact meaningful election reform legislation.


It’s quite simple … Without enacted election reform legislation, we should not enact a state budget.   IT IS REALLY THAT SIMPLE!!!


The Legislature can and needs to enact the following critical Election Integrity legislation NOW:


  1. Get rid of no-excuse mail-in ballots. Two court cases have ruled no excuse mail-in ballots are unconstitutional.  Hence, no opportunity for illegal use of drop boxes.
  2. Require Voter ID, over 75% of the voters agree. Puerto Rico would be a good model.
  3. The Commonwealth must stop exchanging voter data with the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a non-profit run by Liberals.  ERIC cannot be independently validated or audited.  No one knows what happens to PA’s voter records with ERIC.  Other states are dropping out, the Commonwealth must too.
  4. The SURE System (holds the voter registration records) needs a complete review and refresh of the voter records.  There are years of entries where PENNDOT allowed illegals to register to vote.  A Democrat Auditor General’s 2019 Report also identified that over 70% of the voter records in the SURE System have no source of where the voter came from.  Also, the voter database is contaminated with ERIC names with no audit trails.  The new SURE System’s bidding process also needs to be reviewed for bidder fraud and why was a three million-dollar inducement 6 weeks into the new contract paid.
  5. Ban private money used to run elections (i.e. CTLC and CEIR – Zuckerbucks).

The Senate and House needs to show real leadership NOW. The voters are tired of feel good legislation that goes nowhere or hearing that the Governor will not sign anything.


Our forefathers sacrificed their lives to keep this county a Republic, it is about time our Pennsylvania legislators honor their sacrifices and do their duty to give real meaning to the Republican form of Government Clause in our Commonwealth’s Constitution.


First:           Sign our on-line petition at https://LVTP.org/budget  It will automatically notify your legislators.  They need to hear from you!!!


Second:      Then call and email your legislators TODAY.  Demand they enact the five Election Integrity Bullets above.  Be respectful, but firm as they will have all kinds of excuses for not executing their Constitutional responsibilities, remind them they work for the voters.


Third:          Forward this “Call to Action” to your network of friends and make sure they complete Steps 1 and 2 and then forward it to your friends.




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