USA Citizens Advocacy is devoted to advocacy on citizen’s issues in our Republic using state constitutions bills of rights. Our goal is to inform citizens on the issues they face by providing information that may not be readily available in the traditional media to combat tyranny.

Andy Roman Podcast – Talking with Dean Browning on PA Election Redistricting


The Global Disinformation Campaign Against Ivermectin in COVID-19 (Part I)
Pierre Korry

Dr. John Campbell Has Been Red Pilled
Dr. John Campbell Has Been Red-Pilled
Archbishop Vigano Globalists Have Fomented War Ukraine Establish Tyranny New World Order
Archbishop Vigano Globalists Have Fomented War Ukraine Establish Tyranny New World Order

Precinct Strategy Founder: ‘I Am Shocked’ Arizona Decimated Precinct Committeemen Slots
Precinct Strategy Founder: ‘I Am Shocked’ Arizona Decimated Precinct Committeemen Slots

Arguments for & Against Boosters – Read More…

Ex Pfizer Chief Scientist Speaks On Covid & Mass Murder
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