Frontline Health
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On this episode of Frontline Health, we continue our conversation with John Beaudoin, an electrical engineer and author of “The Real CDC.”
Mr. Beaudoin has been analyzing his home state’s death database from the Massachusetts Department of Health to determine if there were any safety signals after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.
“What I learned a year and a half ago is that 2020 was a year of excess respiratory [deaths],” said Mr. Beaudoin.
But that changed when the vaccines rolled out in early 2021.
Based on Mr. Beaudoin’s analysis, excess respiratory deaths, which include pneumonia and COVID, went down in 2021.
“While at the same time, the blood and circulatory causes of death went up instead of down,” he said.
“So what people are dying from, they’re dying from … cardiac stroke, pulmonary embolism, gastrointestinal hemorrhages, aortic arch dissections, more than the respiratory, which went down at the same time.”
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