Home Constitutions Bill of Rights Advocacy: Federal & State RNC needs to build its own law firm. Rona McDaniel has lost five elections

RNC needs to build its own law firm. Rona McDaniel has lost five elections

You always lose an election challenge in court

by USA Citizens Network
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The War Room With Stephen K Bannon Episode 2378 Part 4
Only one RNC attoreny at Las Vegas after November 2020 election to deal with election irregularities

2:46 Kurt Schlicther Senior columnist for Town Hall, former Infantry officer and attorney starts

The War Room With Stephen K Bannon Episode 2379 Part 1

RNC needs to build its own law firm.

He advocates for the RNC to create an independent law firm that specializes in election law and is on call when needed. And, that the RNC give them bread and butter cases to pay their bills and maintain a profit when there are no active election cases.

5:01 Kurt Schlicther Senior columnist for Town Hall, former Infantry officer and attorney starts

10:02–1–workman’s compensation is a losing defense and 2–You always lose an election challenge in court –understand that; its just how the law is setup; you have to fight the battle before the election.

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