Home Breach of Trust COVID Death Protocols in America’s Hospitals: Call to Action

COVID Death Protocols in America’s Hospitals: Call to Action

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COVID Death Protocols in America’s Hospitals: Call to Action.

by DrLee4America | Oct 30, 2022 | Health, Politics,

Hospitals across America are killing as many as 1000 patients a day using “COVID” protocols with a deadly cocktail of toxic drugs, ventilators, withholding fluids and nutrition, physical restraints, and other measures to weaken patients. As of October 25, 2022, Johns Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 data shows over 1.1 million COVID-19 patients have died in US hospitals under these practices. These preventable deaths are still continuing daily. We must act to stop these atrocities.

Shockingly, hospitals are paid incentives that can reach $500,000 or more per COVID patient by the US government, according to an analysis by attorneys who recently filed three lawsuits against hospitals and doctors in Fresno, California, and have similar suits underway in six other states.

Whistleblowers have provided documentation that hospitals have widespread policies for the administration of euthanizing doses of deadly combinations of sedatives, narcotics such as morphine and fentanyl, with benzodiazepines. Hospitals are also coercing the use of toxic drugs like Remdesivir as well as intentionally administering these drugs without patient consent or even overwritten objections from patients and families.

Other violations of law and patient rights include lack of informed consent, denying patients their right to have an advocate present, denying family access to the patient, failure to follow patients’ advance directives, failure to advise patients of other treatment options with lower risks than remdesivir and/or ventilators, failure to treat other medical conditions such as diabetes or bacterial infections, institution of illegal “do not resuscitate” orders and many other unprecedented abuses.

Remdesivir had a 54% death rate in clinical trials under Anthony Fauci’s NIH agency when tried as a treatment for Ebola, yet suddenly was deemed by Fauci — on the basis of one flawed clinical trial aborted early — to be the “gold standard” for COVID hospitalized patients despite its known toxicity, and damage to lungs, kidneys, and liver. Attorney Watkins and his team allege in the remdesivir lawsuits that hospitals and doctors engaged in intentional torts of fraudulent concealment, battery, and elder abuse (for patients over 65). They now have similar lawsuits underway in FL, MD, AZ, NV, TX, and KY, in addition to CA.

Today’s show discusses the new grassroots campaign from Truth for Health Foundation, (see the podcast media player above).

This initiative launches Tuesday, NOV 1 at Noon Eastern Time in a special Whistleblower Report Press Conference. Watch or Listen with these options:

The Foundation’s medical and legal team provides video, and written guides to legal tools families can use to take action without hiring an attorney. These include directions on specific regulatory complaints, pro se litigation, and other grassroots action steps to empower citizens who have lost loved ones. Families can generate pressure to hold hospitals accountable for these wrongful deaths without having to wait for lengthy and costly lawsuits to go forward.

“This is a call to action to stop the white coat killers and hold them accountable,” said Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, President, and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity human rights organization defending life and medical freedom. “If you have a loved one who died in the hospital after receiving government-mandated COVID treatments or who were refused their patient rights, or were knowingly euthanized, there are actions you can file to hold that hospital accountable,” said Dr. Vliet, who has been involved in hospital “rescues” of such patients throughout the COVID pandemic.

Expert speakers at the Press Conference include Attorneys Warner Mendenhall, Todd Callender, Dan Watkins, and Jennifer Lester; whistleblowers who have testified about hospital abuses — Deb Conrad, hospitalist PA, and nurse Nicole Landers; and family members who lost loved ones — Dr. Bryan Ardis, Scott Schara, Tracy Bird, and Attorney Lori Volkman.

Truth For Health Foundation’s legal and medical team will reveal shocking details from families who lost loved ones to these hospital death protocols and provide details on the tools for citizen action aimed at stopping these deaths of vulnerable COVID and disabled patients.

The Press Conference is being held on Nov 1, which is All Saints Day, celebrated by Protestant and Catholic churches, and during Dias de Los Muertos, when families remember, and honor loved ones who died in the past year.

For more information, go to www.TruthForHealth.org and our archive of The Whistleblower Report programs. To participate, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIoc-qrrzgiH9ChRc-8-Usflk_N81ZAA5AD. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Truth For Health…The Rest of the Story can be heard every Saturday at 10 am ET and an encore at 6 pm. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on Apple, Android, or Alexa. All episodes can also be heard on podcast networks worldwide by Monday each week

#COVID Death Protocols #Covid #Death #America’s Hospitals

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