Home Breach of Trust Tulsi Gabbard: FBI and Intel Agencies Tried To Steal Our Democracy, Never Forget And Forgive Them For This Treason

Tulsi Gabbard: FBI and Intel Agencies Tried To Steal Our Democracy, Never Forget And Forgive Them For This Treason

by USA Citizens Network
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Tulsi Gabbard: FBI and Intel Agencies Tried To Steal Our Democracy, Never Forget And Forgive Them For This Treason

Posted By Ian Schwartz

On Date October 6, 2022

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday’s edition of Jesse Watters’ FOX News show reacted to news that the FBI sees a chargeable case against Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden.

FMR. REP. TULSI GABBARD: Leaks coming from law enforcement agencies are not good. We often see them happening in the lead-up to elections regardless of which party they are seeking to influence. Our law enforcement entities need to be apolitical so that we can faith in the rule of law.

But what we are seeing here is pointing to something much bigger than what Hunter Biden ends up actually being charged with or indicted with or not. What this reminds me of, which is especially important as we head into this coming election in just a few weeks, early voting has already kicked off in some states, is how our democracy was stolen in 2020.

We saw how heads, former heads of intelligence agencies, the FBI, law enforcement agencies, colluding with Big Tech social media companies and the mainstream media decided hey, we don’t want the American voter to know what the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop are because we know that they are more likely to vote for Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden if they actually find out what was there.

So they intentionally worked together to withhold that information from voters across the country as they were trying to figure out who to vote for, stealing our democracy.

As you know very well, Jesse, there were just three key states with a difference of 44,000 votes that would have brought Joe Biden and Donald Trump to a tie. 44,000 votes. That is not very many people at all. They saw the writing on the wall. Saw how close it was going to be in those key states and made a decision to steal our democracy.

This is so important for us to remember, never forget, never forgive them for this treason to our democracy that was committed especially again as we head into these next elections and look forward to how we can have faith in our democracy.
Related Topics: #TULSI GABBARD, #Hunter Biden, #Jesse Watters

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